As teachers we accept the duty of care, which devolves to us. In Scoil Íde we make every effort to ensure that the children given into our care are adequately supervised.
Mr Tom Hartney, Deputy Principal, is responsible for drawing up and updating the Supervision Rota, which are on display outside the Staff Room.
Scoil Ide opens from 08:45 for children. No children are allowed on site ahead of this time.
Children enter the school grounds via four Gates ( A, C D & E). All these gates are supervised by at least one staff member daily
During Break Times (11:00 -11:15 and 12:55-13:15 ) each yard is supervised by at least one teacher. All SNAs are on yards associated with children on their caseload
The Rules for each yard are revised and reviewed regularly and are well known and repeated often to the children. All classes have copies of the relevant rules. The teacher on yard duty remains with the classes until their own teacher has picked them all up. In the event of a planned absence the teacher arranges for the next teacher on the rota to swap supervision duties.
The Board of Management accepts no responsibility for children before 9 a.m. Children are supervised during lunchtime (10:55-11:00 & 12:45-12:55) after which they are expected to leave their classroom tidy.
Junior and Senior Infants finish their day at 13:45. It is important to note that while both Junior Infants and Senior Infants enter the School via Gate A on the Corbally Road, the following exit routine applies at collection time.
Junior Infants Exit the school through Gate E on the Mill Road while Senior Infants exit the school through Gate A on the Corbally Road
At 2:45, all other children exit through assigned gates
Children disperse in an orderly manner and leave through their allocated exit. Teachers ensure an orderly dismissal and that all classrooms are vacated at this time. There are teachers on Gate Duty at the four Gate exits.
See school map below