Agreed Reports

 Agreed Report June 27th, 2024

  • The Board conducted the Child Protection Oversight Report as required under the Child
    Protection Procedures ( revised 2023)
  • The Board was made aware that St Senan’s Diocesan Office approved works outside
    the school on the Mill Road as part of the Active Travel Scheme for the Mill Road.
    Shareridge Civil Engineering Contractors assured the principal the works would be
    completed by August 21st ,2024 in advance of the new school year
  • The Board was made aware that Capitation Funding of €38,157.78 was paid on June
    24th , 2024.
  • The Board reviewed plans for a Play area outside Rooms 1,2 and 3 . Kompan provided
    the plans and cost the project at €52,000.
  • The Board agreed that the principal would seek external funding from local business and
    industry to supplement the Voluntary Contribution.
  • The Board approved the use of Rooms 17 by Play Therapist Mindra Kelly on Wednesday,
    July 3rd, 10th, 24th and 31st and August 6th and 13th for one hour each day.

 Agreed Report June 25th, 2024

  • The Board conducted the Child Protection Oversight Report as  required under the Child Protection Procedures ( revised 2023) 
  • The Board conducted the Periodic Summary Report related to Bullying Cases for Term 3 of School Year 2023-2024
  • The Board of Management reviewed Health and Safety Zones around the school and was informed that Classroom Risk Assessments and an evacuation drill took place in April and May of 2024.
  • The Board acknowledged and thanked the Parent Association and Sarah Barton for preparing for and hosting the Annual Scoil Íde Parents’ Association Uniform Swap
  • The Board was informed that Pure Electric  completed Certification of the school’s Electrical Power and Emergency Lighting Systems during the week of May 6th -10th 
  • The Board was informed that a very successful Diocesan Advisory visit took place on April 24th, 2024 and that the Sacrament of Communion took place over two weekends with three classes in May 2024
  • The Board approved the Secondment to Oide of Ciara Breen for the school year 2024-2025.
  • The Board was informed that the Department is reviewing our application for Additional School Accommodation (ASA) and that the school would receive feedback in mid July.
  • The Board was informed that Colm O’ Connor was appointed as an Assistant Principal 1 during term 3 2023-2024 and that both Sarah Barton and Lauren Ryan were appointed as Assistant Principal 11 during term 3 2023-2024.
  • The Board agreed that the provision of “Infant Hour Afterschool Care” would have to be explored in the school year 2024-2025. Ray D’Arcy agreed to survey new Junior Infant intake and the Senior Infant parents of 2024-2025 to establish demand.
  • The Board acknowledged and thanked Elaine Flannery for her service over the near 46 years in which she worked as Scoil Íde’s school secretary.

Agreed Report March 19th, 2024
● The Board conducted the Child Protection Oversight Report as required under the Child
Protection procedures ( revised 2023)
● The Board conducted the Periodic Summary Report related to Bullying Cases for Term 2 of School
Year 2023-2024
● The Board of Management reviewed Health and Safety Zones around the school
● The Board acknowledged and thanked the Parent Association and Sarah Barton for preparing
for and hosting the Annual Scoil Íde Parents’ Association Table Quiz. €2,000 was raised on the
● The Board agreed to engage Pure Electric to complete Certification of the school’s Electrical
Power and Emergency Lighting Systems during the week of May 6th -10th
● The Board approved changes to the cleaning structures agreed with First National Cleaning
● The Board approved the provision of three Junior Infant classes for the school year 2024-2025.
● The Board reviewed the staffing schedule for the school year 2024-2025.
● The Board reviewed the recruitment process for the additional Assistant Principal 1 role in the
school and set a date of May 2nd, 2024 for interviews for the same.
● The Board was informed that Special Education resource hours for the school year 2024-2025
amount to 307.5 hours per week.
● The Board was informed that Special education cluster hours amount to 7.5 hours per week.
● The Board was informed that the solar panel Install under the Schools’ Solar Panel Programme
would commence on April 15th, 2024 and that the Hot Lunches Scheme would commence on the
same date and that the school will receive 3 by 9 bay Scooter Parking Units in May (date tbc).

Agreed Report January 16th, 2024

  • The newly formed Board were welcomed and thanked for their willingness to serve the school community.
  • The Board conducted the Periodic Summary Report related to Bullying Cases for Term 1 of School Year 2023-2024.
  • The Board of Management completed the  annual review of the school’s anti-bullying policy and its implementation. Notification regarding the Board of Management’s annual review of the anti-bullying policy was placed on the school website and included in January’s newsletter.
  • The Board approved the installation of signs on the front wall on the Corbally Road side of Scoil Íde which would state “No Parking from 08:15-09:15 and from 13:15- 15:1:5”.
  • The Board agreed to engage Pure Electric to complete Certification of the school’s Electrical Power and Emergency Lighting Systems by the end of this school year.
  • The Board agreed to change Cleaning companies from AllPro to First National Cleaning (FNC).
  • The Board approved the submission of an Additional School Accommodation application as the next step towards planning for a reconfigured Scoil Íde.
  • The Board sought further details regarding the provision of the Hot Meals Scheme from four Providers before making a final decision.

Agreed Report October 10th 2023

  • The Board formally adopted a Child Safeguarding Statement & Risk Assessment in accordance with the Child Protection Procedures for primary and Post Primary Schools ( revised 2023) and the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools ( revised 2023) as part of the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement & Risk Assessment
  • The Board formally approved the ICT Acceptable Use including the Smart Device Amendment
  • The Board were advised that the process of appointing a new board for a term of four years from December 1st 2023- November 30th 2027 will begin on October 16th 2023.
  • The Board were informed that enrolment stood at 704 pupils on September 30th, 2023
  • The Board reviewed the financial statement for School year 2022-2023 which outlined money paid to the school by the Department of Education & Skills
  • The Board was informed that Anne Fitzpatrick remains the inspector assigned to Scoil Íde for the school year 2023-2024.

Agreed Report June 27th 2023

  • Sarah Kelly was granted secondment Leave for school year 2023-2024. Laura Foley was offered a fixed term position for this school year.
  • The Board thanked Post Holder for their work throughout school year 2022-2023
  • The Board agreed to make a submission to the Part 8 Application for Safer Routes to School: Corbally proposal
  • The Board agreed to the amendments to ICT Acceptable Use Policy related to children bringing smart devices into school. This amendment has gone to parents and guardians for feedback. Children’s opinions will be gathered in September

Agreed Report June 21st 2023

● The Periodic Summary Reporting Requirement to the Board of Management related to Bullying Cases took place.
● The Board conducted the Child Protection Oversight Report.
● The Board agreed procedures for the CPOR. At least three members of the Board should review CPOR documentation.
● The Board ratified a decision to self finance a Play Therapist to work with children for Term 1 after which time a review will be held
● The Board ratified the decision to redivide the current 3 Senior Infant Classes into 4 First Classes
● The Board reviewed the attendance statistics for school year 2022-2023
● The Board was made aware of Building works to be completed using the Minor Worksfunding.
● The Board were forwarded Post Holder Reports from the School Leadership Team for review.
● The Board noted that the school received €16,222 through the Voluntary Contribution Payment and that this was used to offset the cost of the new Sensory Room install. The
Board was informed that Sensory Room installation has concluded and the room is operational and in use.
● The Board agreed to submit an expression of interest form to the department regardingthe Hot School Meals Scheme
● The Board was shown further plans for Safer Routes to School on The Corbally Road side of Scoil Íde. ( Part 8 Application)
● The Board agreed that Hall hire should be reduced to €25 per hour and room hire to €15 per hour

Agreed Report February 28th 2023

● The Board reviewed the Uniform Policy and ratified the following change: Junior and Senior Infants to wear tracksuit uniform only.
School uniform and tracksuit uniform to be worn by children from 1st-6th classes.
● The Periodic Summary Reporting Requirement to the Board of Management related to Bullying Cases took place.
● The Board conducted the Child Protection Oversight Report.
● The Board was made aware of Scoil Íde’s Staffing Schedule for the School Year2023-2024. Scoil Íde will gain a full post for the school year 2023-2024
● The Board was made aware of Scoil Íde’s successful application to participate in the Erasmus Programme.
● The Board was shown initial plans for Safer Routes to School on The Corbally Road side of Scoil Íde.
● The Board were informed that Sensory Room installation will commence on March 27th, 2023.
● The Board were informed about the Curriculum Evaluation that took place on February 8th & 9th and of the report that the school should receive in the coming weeks.

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Board of Management:
Agreed Report December 6th, 2022
Please refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news
The Board reviewed the Periodic Summary of Bullying Cases and ratified the Anti-Bullying Policy & The Behaviours of Concern Policy.
The Board completed the Checklist for the annual review of the anti-bullying policy and its implementation (Appendix 4) as part of the ratification process.
The Board agreed that the Notification regarding the Board of Management’s Annual review of the anti-bullying policy will occur as soon as practicable.
The Periodic summary reporting requirement to the Board of Management related to Bullying Cases took place
The Board conducted the Child Protection Oversight Report.
Parent Association Committee details were shared with the Board.
The Board was informed of Sarah Kelly’s Appointment to the School Leadership Team as an Assistant Principal 11.
The purchase of a sensory room was approved by the Board of Management subject to approval by St Senan’s Diocesan Office.
The Board of Management reviewed Circular 75/2022 and the amendments required by legislation to a school’s Admissions Policy.

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Board of Management:
Agreed Report October 4th, 2022
Please refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news.
1. The Board welcomed Fr Richie Davern both to the Parish and to the Board of Management team.
2. The Board ratified the Updated COVID-19 Risk Assessment and Response Plan
3. The Board conducted the Child Safeguarding Statement Review
4. The Board approved an intake of 104 pupils in 4 classes for school year 2023-2024
5. The Board reviewed the Attendance Report for school Year 2021-2022
6. The Board approved the signing of contracts in relation to Electricity and Gas with the Schools Procurement Unit.
7. The Board approved the application for Emergency Works funding for the repair of the Hall roof.

Board of Management:
Agreed Report June 28th, 2022
Pleae refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news.
● The Board approved the Post Holders’ Reports for School Year 2021-2022.
● The Board were updated on elections of a new Committee for the Parent Associationahead of school Year 2022-2023
● The Board considered requests for use of the Hall outside of school hours
● The Board approved the plan for the School Library Grant.
● Monster Raffle Raised €4,000
● Voluntary Contribution amounted to €17,979 for school Year 2021-2022. The Board acknowledged the generosity of the parent/ guardian body.
● The Board approved the purchase of a ride on lawnmower to be used out of schoolhours.

Board of Management:
Agreed Report May 31st, 2022
Please refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news.
The Board was informed that Fergal Maguire & Carol McInerney undertook training in Relationships
and Sexuality Education ( RSE) as part of our ongoing Child Protection Review of Practice.
The Draft Leave of Absence Policy was ratified by the Board of Management.
The Board was updated on maintenance work carried out throughout the school.
The Staffing Schedule for School Year 2022-2023 was outlined.
Grant payments made to the school in the schoolyear 2020-2021 were reviewed.
Bord of Management:
Agreed Report April 5th, 2022
Please refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page formore news.
The Board has completed CPSMA Child Protection Training as follows…
-Webinar 1 – An Introduction for Boards of Management
-Webinar 2 – Child Protection Oversight Report
-Webinar 3 – Child Safeguarding Statement
-Webinar 4 – Allegations or Suspicions of Child Abuse regarding Schools Employees
The Board was consulted on Draft Leave of Absence Policy and the feedback was noted.
The Board was updated on Emergency Works Application 2022. Remedial electrical works took place from Rooms 1-19 and Halls and
Offices ( exclusive of Rooms 14, 15, 15A and the Science Room and the staff room) bringing these rooms up to regulations
The Board was updated on our return to a typical school routine and the new opening time of 08:45 was approved by the Board. Contact tracing measures were outlined.

The Board was made aware of the visit of representatives from St Senan’s Diocesan Office and representatives from Limerick Diocese to the school on April 7th.
The Board reviewed spending relating to the ICT Grant for 2021-2022 and the Bridging the Digital Divide Grant 2021-2022.

The Board was updated on progress in the conversion of the Science Room to a Makerspace Room.
Returning extra curricular activities were outlined to the Board.
The Board expressed their gratitude to the teachers involved for the giving of their time and energy voluntarily.
Board of Management:
Agreed Report February 1st , 2022
Please refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news.
Admissions Draw for Junior Infant 2022-2023 was reviewed and approved.
Staff Leave applications for School Year 2022-2023 were approved.
Successful Emergency Works Application was reviewed and approval granted from Rooms 1-19)

Work to commence during February Mid Term Break (updating of electrical works).
The Board Reviewed The Department of Education’s “ Supporting the Safe Provision of Schooling” Inspection Report dated October 6th 2021.
Treasurer outlined funding received from The Department of Education and Skills thus far for school Year 2021-2022.
Board of Management have commenced training in Child Protection Oversight Procedures as part of ongoing professional development in this area

30 Bay Cycle Parking installed outside Senior Building on Corbally Road side.
Board were updated on School developments:
○ Safer Routes to School Application
○ Plas to develop Science Room into a MakerSpace
○ Internet Safety Seminar for parents / guardians of children in 1st, 2nd and 3rd classeson February 8th as part of our ongoing Internet Awareness Campaign
○ Autism Friendly School Initiative participation
Board of Management:
Agreed Report September 23rd , 2021
Please refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news.
The Board ratified the Updated COVID-19 Risk Assessment and Response Plan.
The BoM conducted the Child Safeguarding Statement Review.
The Board approved an intake of 90 pupils in 3 classes for school year2022-2023.
Board were made aware of the school’s new Educational Psychologist andSpecial Educational Needs Officer (SENO).
Board were informed of the Internet Safety Seminar for parents / guardians of children in 4th and 5th classes on September 15 th &16th as part of our ongoing Internet Awarness Campaign.
COVID Learning And Support Scheme (CLASS) : School will benefit by 875 substitute teacher hours (35 weeks)

The BoM were notified that Scoil Íde was successful in applications for:
○ Safer Routes to School Application
○ Creative Schools Programme
○ Blast Arts Initiative (artist in Residency)
Board of Management
Agreed Report 30th September 2020
Please refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news.
The Board of Management (BoM) ratified the updated COVID-19 Risk Assessment and Response Plan
The BoM conducted the Child Safeguarding Statement Review
The BoM wish SNA Mary O’ Sullivan all the very best on her retirement

Board of Management
Agreed Report 24th August 2020
Please refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news.
The Board of Management (BoM) ratified the COVID-19 Risk Assessment and Response Plan

A note was added to the Critical Incident Policy and Health and Safety Policy referring to these COVID-19 documents
Board of Management
Agreed Report 5th August 2020
Please refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news.
The Board of Management (BoM) reviewed the first draft of the Plan for Reopening the School
Board of Management
Agreed Report
17th June 2020
Please refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news.
The BoM conducted the Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement.

The BoM would like to thank parents and staff for their cooperation and continued support throughout the school closure period.
Board of Management
Agreed Report
27th May 2020
Please refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news.

The BoM ratified addendums to the ICT and Social Media Expected Use Policy and the Data Protection Policy.
The BoM conducted a risk assessment of distance learning and ratified a Distance Learning Child Protection Statement.
Board of Management
Agreed Report
29th April 2020
Please refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news.
The BoM ratified the Working Alone in the School Policy.
The BoM ratified the Substance Use Policy.
Board of Management
Agreed Report
1th March 2020
Please refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news.

Teacher leave applications were approved.
The BoM completed the SSE Regulatory and Legislative checklist.

The BoM ratified the review of Leadership and Management in the school.
The BoM ratified the Critical Incident Management Policy and Plan.
The BoM reviewed the new Admissions Policy to be sent to the Patron for approval.
Board of Management
Agreed Report
3rd February 2020
Plase refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news.
Junior Infant places were allocated.
Applications for job-sharing and career breaks were approved.
The BoM was updated on Child Protection and their responsibilities.

Board of Management
Agreed Report
4th December 2019
Please refer to the monthly newsletters and school Twitter page for more news.
The New Board of Management (BoM) commenced their four-year term of office.
The Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) Policy was updated and atified.
The new BoM were updated on School Self-Evaluation areas for improvement: Oral Irish and Writing Genres.
The BoM discussed school accessibility with a view to making improvements.