Administration of Medicines Policy

As part of accepted good practice and with advice from the Department for Children and Youth Affairs, relevant voluntary organisations and the School’s Board of Management, our school has established ‘Managing Recognised Medical Conditions’ guidelines for use by all staff. 

As part of these guidelines, we are asking all parents of students with a Recognised Medical Condition to help us by completing a School Healthcare Plan for their child. 

Your child’s completed plan will store helpful details about your child’s condition, current medication, triggers, individual symptoms and emergency contact numbers.  The plan will help school staff to better understand your child’s individual condition.

A Medical Emergency Protocol informs staff about what to do in the event of an emergency and must be signed by a member of your child’s medical team. You can contact your medical team for this protocol. I have attached a Sample Medical Emergency Protocol for a person with Epilepsy.

Please complete the plan and protocol, with the assistance of your child’s healthcare professional and return it by email or by post or directly to the school post box . If you have any questions then please contact us on 061-345495 or at

Please make sure the plan is regularly checked and updated and the school is kept informed about changes to your child’s condition or medication. This includes any changes to how much medication they need to take and when they need to take it.

I look forward to receiving your child’s Health Care Plan.

Thank you for your help.


Yours sincerely


 Tom Hartney,

 Deputy Principal.

Sample Medical Emergency Protocol



Billy McFadden

Medical Condition: 


Routine medication:


Emergency Medicine to be administered: 



Protocol: In the event of seizure

IMPORTANT: Do not administer expired medicine, call an ambulance.

  1. Start timing seizure
  2. Do not attempt to restrain movement
  3. Cushion head with something soft.
  4. Administer Buccolam orally via Buccal cavity if the seizure lasts more than five minutes. 
  5. Give half the dose on left cheek side and half the dose on right cheek side into the side of the mouth. Drip the liquid in between the cheek and gum ( buccal cavity)
  6. Call ambulance if buccalam is administered
  7. Record end time of seizure
  8. Keep the empty syringe and give to paramedic / doctor.
  9. Do NOT give another dose of buccolam even if seizure does not stop
  10. Complete Emergency Medication Administration Record


Signed by member of the medical team:



Date form completed:

Date for review:


Student’s Information

Name of School

Name of Student

Class and Room

Date of Birth



Siblings in the School










Contact Information

Student’s address


Family Contact 1



Realtionship to Student


Family Contact 2



Realtionship to Student


Family Contact 3



Realtionship to Student


General Practitioner ( GP)








Details of the student’s conditions


Signs and symptoms of this student’s condition: 


Triggers or things that make this student’s condition/s worse: 


Routine Healthcare Requirements

During school hours:  

Routine Healthcare Requirements

Outside school hours:


Regular Medication taken during school hours:


Emergency medication-Please fill out full details including dosage:

See Sample Medical Emergency Protocol as a guide. Medical team will provide you with this information.


Activities – Any special considerations to be aware of?


Any other information relating to the student’s health care in school?


Name of Hospital Nurse for the student




The school may contact the above named for further information or training.


Parental and Student Agreement

Please tick the relevant reply

I agree……

I do not agree….

that the medical information obtained in this plan may be shared with individuals involved with my child’s care and education ( this includes emergency services).

I understand that I must notify the school of any changes in writing.

Signed by parent/ guardian

Print Name



Permission for emergency medication 

Please tick the relevant reply

I agree with my child receiving medication administered by a staff member or providing treatment as set out in the attached Medical Emergency Protocol

I do not agree with my child receiving medication administered by a staff member or providing treatment as set out in the attached Medical Emergency Protocol

Signed by parent/ guardian

Print Name
