School Ethos
Our school aims to give the children a sound religious and moral education within the established Catholic ethos of the school and to help them establish a faith in God which will grow and develop. The ethos of Scoil Ide can be seen in the everyday dealings all those who work in the school have with each other. It is manifested in the respect and consideration shown by teachers to pupils and vice versa. We are proud of the children who are part of our school and hope they go on to become fulfilled adults.
Eiteas na Scoile
I dteannta le h-éiteas Chaitliceach na scoile tá sé mar aidhm againn oideachas mórálta agus spioradálta a mhuscailt sna páistí chun cabhrú leo creideamh i nDia a chothú iontu féin agus é a chur chun cinn. Le linn imeachtaí laethiúla na fóirne tá éiteas na scoile le feiceáil. Tá sé soiléir freisin sa mheas atá idir na daltaí agus na múinteoirí. Tá mórtas mór againn as gach páiste a fhreastalaíonn ar an scoil seo agus tá súil againn go mbeadh gach dalta ábalta páirt iomlán a ghlacadh sa saol atá rompu.