After School Activities
Advertisement for Use of School Premises on a Licensed Basis for the Provision of Afterschool Services:
The Board of Management of Scoil íde, Corbally, Limerick, subject to the agreement of the Patron
and Trustees, is exploring the possibility of making part of the school premises available for the provision of afterschool services by an independent, external, third party operator. The successful applicant will be granted a licence to use a section of the school premises for specified days and times for a period of one school year and shall be responsible for the independent operation of the facility and the employment of all staff in the facility. The arrangement will be subject to a number of terms and conditions. Interested parties should in the first instance submit a written expression of
interest, made by post and addressed to the Chairperson of the Board of Management of Scoil Íde, Corbally, Limerick. V94 X659 no later than 4pm on September 18th, 2024. Further information will issue to all parties that submit an expression of interest.
If any interested party has an objection to the proposal to make the school premises available to an independent, external, third party before and afterschool operator, such objections should be (i) made in writing; (ii) sent by post addressed to the Trustees of Scoil Íde, C/O Chairperson of the Board of Management of Scoil íde, Corbally, Limerick. V94 X659 and
(iii) reach the school by Septmeber 18th, 2024. Any such submissions must be made on objective grounds.
After School Activities
We provide children with a number of opportunities to participate in after school activities on site in Scoil Íde. We are very grateful to the members of staff who give freely of their time and energies. We are also grateful to the Board of Management who fund a number of other after school activities. We remind the children that they should not take such opportunities for granted.
Chess Club: Monday September 30th to December 9th 2024. From 2.50pm to 3.45pm in Mr Foley’s Room, Kavanagh in Senior Building.It’s being offered to previous members first.
Fee is 40e, or 50e per family (cash or cheque to ‘John Alfred’)
A chess puzzles book will be included.
An Online Registration form is available at
Rugby: 5th and 6th class boys in the Bishop’s Field. Wednesdays from 14:45-15:45. Contact for further details. Note: There will be no training on the first Wednesday that is a school day as teachers meet to plan on these days after school. Start Date to be confirmed
Hockey: 5th and 6th class girls at Corbally United Astro. Wednesdays from 14:45-15:45. There will be no training on the first Wednesday that is a school day as teachers meet to plan on these days after school. Start Date to be confirmed
Basketball: 5th and 6th class girls in the Halla: Every Thursday from 14:45-15:45. Contact for further details. Start Date September 5th, 2024
Basketball: 5th and 6th class boys in the Halla: Every Thursday from 15:45- 16:45. Contact for further details. Start Date September 5th, 2024
Athletics: 3rd-6th class boys and girls Mondays in the Bishops Field. Contact for further details. Start Date to be confirmed
Choir: for girls and boys in 5th and 6th Class attend at the moment. The choir practise every Tuesday and more often on the run up to a performance or event. Start Date to be confirmed